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Scribblenauts: Unlimited

Name of game: Scribblenauts Unlimited

Year of release: November 13, 2012

Main characters: Maxwell

Developer: 5th Cell

Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

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Game synopsis: Maxwell’s parents show concern that he and his 41 siblings are becoming spoiled, however. One day, Maxwell comes across an old man who appears to be hungry. As a prank, Maxwell uses his notebook to create a rotten apple, and gives it to the man. Angered, the old man scolds Maxwell for being spoiled, and places a curse on Maxwell’s sister Lily, causing her to slowly turn to stone. Maxwell must obtain Starites to free her from this curse. He can obtain those Starites by helping people, solving their problems.

Personal review: Scribblenauts Unlimited is a bigger game than the previous. It offers more chances to put your creativity to the test and its replay value is through the roof. Granted, it doesn’t offer the same type of challenge as previous version, but that also decreases the frustration that might come with said challenge. If you’re looking for a game that is fun for the kids, and the adults, in the house then look no further than this.

Star rating: I rate this game a 5 out of 5 stars


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